Saturday, March 17, 2012

Almost two months in India

God is very faithful and He keeps blessing us in India. He heals us from colds, keeps sending money for our stay here, protects us from snake and scorpio bites and just gives us realtionships and ministry so we can Glorify Him
All we can do here is because of His grace and For His Glory! 
Past few weeks again were fruitful and encouraging. We appreciate SO MUCH all your prayers, we know that because of your support, the spirtual battle here is so much easier for us! 
Here are some pictures of our past experiences. 
we had our hands painted with the henna. It's called MEHENDI
One girl from House of Joy did it for us. It took her no more than 15 minutes!
It will stay for about one week.
A week ago we visted one Kindergarten teacher - Savitha. It was our first visit in hindu house. 
Last week the group from Texas, USA came to ACA campus. Their church sent them here for a short missiontrip as they are one of the ACA supporters. It was a very special time. They were amazing example of hardworkers and just great followers of Christ. They were leading chapels, having lessons at school, doing construction work. We were joining them in some of their activities and we are so encouraged by their attitude, service, sense of humor ;-) and energy.
with a group of teenagers from States
Marta is involved more and more in music ministry on the campus. Last night she taught them one polish song!
and well.. polish language is diffucult I guess ;-)
They performed one song taught by Marta on the Sunday service. 
Justyna enjoys playing badminton with the boys in their free time.
Justyna with the cute Burmese girl
One of the hostel's girls - Aswathi
One of House of Joy boys - Bwhwithi (yeah... it's  pronounced 'Bayte' )

Abijah, the cute 6 year old boy from Asam (north India). He's lots of fun! :)

With all of these kids we have lot's of fun :)

Psalm 16:11  
You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.