Monday, February 27, 2012

Some random pictures

We send some random pictures from the campus.
God gave us the priviledge and pleasure to spend more time with House of Joy children. Kids are more opened to us and we enjoy playing and talking with them.
Children in the campus bus comming back from school
Children from ACA getting on the school bus 

The school assembly in the morning
Justyna teaching a Bible Story in the Kidergarten 

Marta during tutoring VJ in House of Joy boy
Marta with the girls performing one song on the Sunday chapel
Our  'washing stone'. That's how you wash your clothes here! It's pretty comfortable actually :-)

We were invited for dinner to Nepali family. It was delicious!
Delicious lunch in Hebron School in Ooty! 
Abijah, cute 6 year old from House of Joy, his father passed away.
What is interesting, his name is ABIJAH - God is my Father :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Trip to Ooty / YF Camp

Last week was full of great experiences! We visited Hebron - christian school in Ooty and after  that spent 3 days on Youth Fellowship Camp for the students of this school in a Quiet Corner campsite. This time was a wonderful blessing to both of us. Thank you for all the prayers!

We sent you some pictures to show what by God's grace we were able to do, see and experience! 

On our way to Ooty we visited Mysore palace,
 wonderful residence of former king of this region

We also saw some beautiful landscapes, because Ooty lays in
mountain range of Western Ghats
And we saw some wild monkeys!

Before going to camp we stayed for two days in the Hebron school in Ooty.
During that time Justyna  gave a speech on the school asembly on Col. 3:23-24
We were able to do some sightseeing, as Lori who took us there knew the place a lot. Ooty - an old british
 tourist resort in the mountains with the mild climate and tea plantations on the hills was a great place to visit.
And the views were outstanding! 
Going to a traditional tribal village gave us diffrent perspective of living in India (picture of women from
 the Tota tribe, the one that lived in Ooty region before the British came)

And we also did some nice shopping on the market :)
After days in Ooty we went with the Hebron students and stuff for the Youth Fellowship camp for 14-16
year old students of the school. On this picture: Lori, we and school committee - older students who organised
 the camp. Getting to know these young people with the hearts willing to serve God was
a hudge encouragement for us!

Each of us gave a testimony - here Marta speaking on Friday night...
 ... and Justyna speaking on Sunday morning. We pray that God would use our testimonies in the hearts
 of these young people.
Older students with some of our help performed a drama about second coming of Christ. God also used
 this way of sharing the gospel and touched hearts for repentance
Group picture of whole Youth Fellowship camp. 
We thank God for this wonderful time with the Hebron students. Please keep praying with us for their hearts as they keep growing in Christ.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Indian Villages and some landscapes

We send some pictures from an Indian village and few nce landscapes outside of the campus.

Fields and a lake

Palm trees and growing grapes
Random villages. One of the cleanest actually :-) Goats and cows everywhere. They keep them for milk, wool.
In every village they worship one on many gods and they build one temple.

Goat and Cow. Look at their blue painted horns! By the door, the sack of rice!

Justyna excited touching huge cactus!

Marta stending on the marble rock. In the backgroung the town - Hosur

Saturday, February 4, 2012

More pictures

We're sending more pictures of India and ACA. Enjoy :)

Girls chapel every evening in our kitchen
Kindergarten Teacher's meeting 

We shared our testimony on Kids Chapel last friday
Our house

Boys during PE classes

Kids in Kindergaten. Sleeping on the floor after classes

10 year hindu girl who had painted her hand for her aunt's wedding

Boys playing

Teachers at the assembly

Teenagers comming back to school from break
Eating lunch in the cafeteria

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ministry in Asian Christian Academy

We started ministry. That is our priviledge and honour to serve in any work we can in this place.
Whatever we do and will be doing we want to show God's character and speak about Jesus Christ.
There is a lot of work in the campus. With Lori Spurgeon, our mentor, we picked something for us.

From monday to friday we help in Kindergarten. There is about 40 kids in the class and one teacher! We draw, we help kids with writing and spelling, but our goal is to be an example and testimony. Also to share the Gospel to non-believing teachers.

We also help at school. We have a group of about 20 kids (4th grade) devided for two of us and have with them tutoring classes every afternoon. That's challenging, but also a good oportunity to make relationships and talk about faith and Christ to children how are mostly hindu or just non-believers.

 Me and Marta help children from the "House of Joy" with homeworks and studying.
Each one of us have two girls and one boy four hours a week.
These are tutoring lessons, but we want to show God's love and care for them. These kids come from poor families, few of them are orphans or half-orphans.

We enjoy just spending time with children from the campus.
All of them are really sweet and always excited to play with us !

And also.. we enjoy indian weather and culture :-) Here are some hints:

going for a rest under the palm tree

busy street in Bangalore