Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Ministry in Asian Christian Academy

We started ministry. That is our priviledge and honour to serve in any work we can in this place.
Whatever we do and will be doing we want to show God's character and speak about Jesus Christ.
There is a lot of work in the campus. With Lori Spurgeon, our mentor, we picked something for us.

From monday to friday we help in Kindergarten. There is about 40 kids in the class and one teacher! We draw, we help kids with writing and spelling, but our goal is to be an example and testimony. Also to share the Gospel to non-believing teachers.

We also help at school. We have a group of about 20 kids (4th grade) devided for two of us and have with them tutoring classes every afternoon. That's challenging, but also a good oportunity to make relationships and talk about faith and Christ to children how are mostly hindu or just non-believers.

 Me and Marta help children from the "House of Joy" with homeworks and studying.
Each one of us have two girls and one boy four hours a week.
These are tutoring lessons, but we want to show God's love and care for them. These kids come from poor families, few of them are orphans or half-orphans.

We enjoy just spending time with children from the campus.
All of them are really sweet and always excited to play with us !

And also.. we enjoy indian weather and culture :-) Here are some hints:

going for a rest under the palm tree

busy street in Bangalore


  1. Powodzenia Dziewczyny,

    zazdroszczę pięknych Indii, a jakie urocze dzieciaki!!!

    Ola R.

  2. Hi There aunt Martha! I was one of your 4th Grade Student in afternoon classes! Hoping this message reaches you and hear back from you soooon!!🙌
