Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Last preparations for India

God has blessed us so much! 

Localisation of ACA
In His proper time God gave us visas to India for whole 6 months! Praise Him for this really smooth process of getting them. Now we can continue packing for India! But we should write a few words about the place where we are going. 
For the 6-months internship we are going to serve in Asian Christian Academy which is located in southern India, near Bangalore. 

Asian Christian Academy is a non-profitable organization with a mission of evangelism, edification and education. The organization is a group of ministries including: Evangelical Theological Seminary, Asian Christian High School, Agape Hospital and House of Joy (orphanage). According to God’s will and to the needs we are going to help in the school, orphanage and in the local church by Bible lessons for children, teaching English, testifying to the gospel and showing God’s love and care to the people.

We are leaving to India on Friday, 20th of January and arrive to ACA on the next day. We trust God to provide us with a safe trip and hope to be able to update you soon FROM INDIA!

See some pictures of ACA below!

Asian Christian High School
Students of High School in ACA
Graduates of ACA Evangelical Theological Seminary
Children living in the House of Joy (a home for needy children)

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. A team from our church went to ACA last October/November. The children in the picture are a great reminder of how God is blessing ACA. I hope you had a great time.

    Brandon Carpenter
