Sunday, April 1, 2012

Badminton Championship

We want to upload some news about what we've been doing this past week. 
We just finished the BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP. Few weeks ago Justyna had an idea to do a tournament of badminton for the kids/youth on the campus. They like to play this game, know the rules and were just really good in it. After all preparations, gathering support for awards and teaching younger children, we began the game. 

The championship included singles and doubles tournament. There were 8 single players and 24 participants in doubles (12 pairs). All kids and youth form the ACA campus, most of them from the House of Joy or the hostel. The games took placer every day from 4 to 5:30pm and were very very exciting, lots of people came just to watch. That was a precious time of making friendships with these kids and simply preparing for them someting more exciting and just different than usual free time on the playground. 
We thank for all financial support that either Polish friends, friends in India or Seminary Students from ACA gave us! For these money each participant got a small prize and best players got special rockets and sweat bands. They were delighted, but so as we just seeing their smiles and involvement in the games.

Here are few pictures but also check out the video!

The inauguration

Double Finals
Double winners: Prakash and Mani
The winners: Prakash & Mani
Girls watching the games
Repeating rules before playing
We had watermelon every day no to get dehydrated
The conclusion meeting & distributing prices
Giving out prices to the team which took second place

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