Sunday, April 22, 2012

April events

Sorry for a long break in writing here, but so many things were happening  here in ACA!

First we had a Bible Olympics for the children from House of Joy and form hostel. It was a whole week of different kind of competitions in two age groups including singing, skits, preaching, memorizing Bible verses, telling stories. Children had a lot of fun and I hope they grew also spiritually preparing for the competition. Here are some pictures from that…

One of the girls singing - Justyna as a judge 

Bible verse memorization - Marta as a judge

one of the older girls preaching

We also helped two groups of girls to prepare two skits
 for the competition. They did a great job!

Second big event that we went through lately was graduation of seminary students (form Evangelical Theological Seminary ACA). This where few days of different kind of celebrations and programs, farewells and delicious special dinners! It was a great time of thanking God for what He already did in India and for what He will do through these people. Please also support them in prayer!
Graduation programme in a new auditorium
With one of the graduates (in saree!)
We with almost all graduating female students.
On a farewell dinner in burmese student fellowship (food was delicious!)
Special song performed by all the House of Joy and Hostel kids (and youth) on a  ceremony of  dedication of new auditorium

For a special farewell sunday service Justyna and some girls performed a nice choreography...

... they did a great job!

Marta also helped some girls to prepare special songs
Quite big group of students is going to serve the Lord
 outside India (Myanmar, Nepal, UK). Pray also for their safety there. 
With Ledbetters - the founders of new auditorium

Beside this Justyna led 3 day workshop about activities and discipline for the 19 kindergarten teachers. It was a great time of inspiration and equipping for their future work! God blessed this time and we pray the He will also continue His work in hearts of these teachers (most of them are Hindu).

With all of  the participents of the workshop. It was a great and blessed time!

We also build closer relationship with House of Joy kids, hostel students and seminary students. We will miss them all!

Some friends...
...more friends (eating special dinner)...

... and more friends (during graduation ceremony).

With Abijah...
With Bwhwithi and Party...

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