Thursday, May 31, 2012

Trip to Delhi

Hello friends!
We want to share some pictures from our trip to Delhi.
We've visited Delhi during school holidays at the end of April.
We've gone there with Lori & Andrew Spurgeon and had a wonderful time with them.
We thank God for the opportunity to go there and the Spurgeons for taking us!

It was a good time for us. We were basically sight seeing, shopping and resting. We've seen unforgettable views in Taj Mahal or Qutb Minar, we got surprised by cool weather and cleanliness of the city and we tasted lots of delicious food from that region of the country.
Every day we realize more and more how diversed India is. What we experience is that India has a huge variety and richness of languages, food, colors of skin, culture, religion etc. - and that it's just outstanding!

Enjoy the pictures!

busy street in Delhi

camel pulling the hay
with Spurgeons in Taj Mahal
we really went there! :)
the carvings in Taj were extraordinary! 
famous Qutb Minar in Delhi
beautiful carvings in Qutb Minar preserved from 12th century!
each pillar there is slightly different!
Red Fort in Agra - one more beautiful place
and coming back to Bangalore  by train - we've made around 2000km in two days!

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